One Earth, One Chance:
Make Everyday an Earth Saving Day
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Resources Links and Details

Environmental Sustainability:

1. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

Website: Description: Official site outlining the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals aimed at addressing global challenges, including environmental sustainability.

2. Sustainable Brands:

Website: Description: Platform for sustainable business news, insights, and resources for promoting environmental sustainability in the corporate sector.

3. GreenBiz:

Website: Description: Offers news, events, and resources on sustainable business practices and environmental innovation.

4. World Resources Institute (WRI):

Website: Description: WRI provides research and analysis on environmental issues, sustainable development, and climate change.

5. Environmental Defense Fund:

Website: Description: Nonprofit organization focusing on solving environmental challenges, including climate change, through science-based solutions and policy advocacy.

6. Global Footprint Network:

Website: Description: Measures humanity's ecological footprint and promotes sustainable living practices.

7. Our World in Data:

Website: Description: Offers data-driven insights on various global challenges, including climate change and environmental sustainability.

8. Yale Environment 360:

Website: Description: Online publication focusing on environmental issues, climate change, and solutions.

9. Global Environment Facility (GEF):

Website: Description: International organization providing funding for environmental projects and initiatives.

10. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):

Website: Description: Promotes sustainable development through research, education, and advocacy.

World Environment Association Resources Links and Details


11. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

Website: Description: U.S. government agency providing information on oceanography, climate, and weather.

12. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution:

Website: Description: Leading research institution in oceanography and marine science.

13. Ocean Conservancy:

Website: Description: Works to protect and conserve ocean ecosystems and marine life.

14. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO):

Website: Description: Promotes international cooperation in oceanography and marine science.

15. MarineBio:

Website: Description: Educational resource for marine biology, conservation, and oceanography.

16. Ocean Portal:

Website: Description: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History's portal for ocean-related information.

17. National Geographic Ocean:

Website: Description: National Geographic's coverage of ocean exploration, conservation, and science.

18. Yale Environment 360:

Website: Description: Professional organization advancing oceanography research and education.

19. Ocean Leadership:

Website: Description: Consortium of ocean science and technology institutions.

20. Oceanography Magazine:

Website: Description: Peer-reviewed magazine covering ocean science and exploration.

Climate Change and Global Warming:

21. NASA Climate Change:

Website: Description: Provides climate change research, data, and information from NASA.

22. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

Website: Description: UN body providing assessments and reports on climate change science.

23. Climate Central:

Website: Description: Climate science and communications organization focusing on climate change impacts.

24. Carbon Brief:

Website: Description: Analyzes climate science, policy, and data.

25. Global Carbon Project:

Website: Description: Research initiative tracking carbon emissions and their impact on the climate.

26. The Climate Reality Project:

Website: Description: Organization founded by Al Gore to promote climate change awareness and action.

27. Union of Concerned Scientists:

Website: Description: Advocates for science-based solutions to climate change and other issues.

28. Climate Home News:

Website: Description: Covers global climate policy and negotiations.

29. InsideClimate News:

Website: Description: Pulitzer Prize-winning news organization focused on environmental reporting.

30. The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research:


Environmental Initiatives and Impacts:

1. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):

Website: Description: UNEP works on a wide range of environmental initiatives and provides resources on various environmental issues and impacts.

2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Portal:

Website: Description: Provides information and resources on environmental impact assessment, including guidelines, case studies, and tools.

3. International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA):

Website: Description: Professional association focused on impact assessment, promoting best practices and knowledge sharing.

4. World Bank - Environmental Impact Assessment:

Website: Description: Offers resources and guidance on conducting environmental impact assessments for development projects.

5. Global Environmental Impact Assessment Network (GEIA):

Website: Description: Network of professionals working on global environmental change and its impacts.

Environmental Audits and Assessments:

6. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - Environmental Management:

Website: Description: UNEP works on a wide range of environmental initiatives and provides resources on various environmental issues and impacts.

7. Environmental Auditing:

Website: Description: Online resource hub for environmental auditing, including news, tools, and guidelines.

8. European Environment Agency (EEA) - Environmental Assessment:

Website: Description: Provides assessments and reports on various environmental topics in Europe.

9. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) - Environmental Assessment:

Website: Description: UNECE's work on environmental impact assessment and public participation.

10. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) - Sustainability Reporting Standards:

Website: Description: GRI provides guidelines and standards for sustainability reporting, including impacts assessment.

Legal Resources Links

Environmental Sustainability:

1. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC):

Website: Description: The UNFCCC is an international treaty aimed at addressing climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. It provides a framework for negotiations on climate-related issues.

2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Website: Description: The SDGs are a set of global goals established by the United Nations to achieve a more sustainable and equitable world by addressing various environmental and social challenges.

3. The Paris Agreement:

Website: Description: The Paris Agreement is an international accord within the UNFCCC framework, aiming to limit global warming and promote sustainable development.

Environment Audits and Assessments:

4. International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA):

Website: Description:IAIA is a professional organization focusing on impact assessment, providing guidelines and resources for environmental assessments.

5. ISO 14000 Series - Environmental Management Standards:

Website: Description: The ISO 14000 series provides standards for environmental management systems, including audits and assessments.

Climate Change and Global Warming:

6. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

Website: Description:IPCC assesses scientific information related to climate change, providing reports and recommendations to policymakers worldwide.

7. The Kyoto Protocol:

Website: Description: An international treaty undervthe UNFCCC framework, the Kyoto Protocol sets binding emission reduction targets for developed countries.


8. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): Website:

Website: Description:IPCC assesses scientific information related to climate change, providing reports and recommendations to policymakers worldwide.

9. NOAA National Ocean Service:

Website: D Description: The National Ocean Service provides resources and information about various oceanographic topics, including conservation and management.

Environmental Sustainability:

1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

Website: Description:A set of 17 global goals adopted by UN member states to address social, economic, and environmental challenges, aiming for sustainable development.

2. Paris Agreement:

Website: Description: An international treaty under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) aimed at combating climate change.

3. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): Website:

Website: Description: An international treaty to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

4. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: Website:

Website: Description: A set of principles adopted during the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro.

5. World Charter for Nature: Website:

Website: 26_Vol.I_Declaration.pdf Description: A declaration adopted by the UN General Assembly to promote the conservation of nature and natural resources.

Environment Audits and Assessments:

6. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)- Environmental Management:

Website: Description:ISO standards related to environmental management systems and audits.

7. Environmental Audit Guidelines of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC):

Website: Dt Description: ICC guidelines for conducting environmental audits in business operations.

8. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) - Environmental Auditing: Website:

Website: Description: WBCSD's resources on environmental reporting and auditing for businesses.

Climate Change and Global Warming:

9. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

Website: Description: IPCC is a scientific body that assesses climate change science, impacts, and mitigation options.

10. UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:

Website: Description: UNFCCC is an international treaty aimed at addressing climate change.


11. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

Website: DescriptionA US government agency providing resources on oceanography, climate, and weather.

12. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC):

Website: Description: IOC is a UN body promoting international cooperation in oceanographic research.

13. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Oceans, Coasts, and Coral Reefs:

Website: Description:IUCN's work on the conservation and sustainable management of oceans and coastal areas.

Resources list of environmental and sustainable laws from major countries:

Environment Protection Act
National Green Tribunal Act
Plastic Waste Management Rules
Forest (Conservation) Act
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
United States:
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Act
Endangered Species Act
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
European Union:
European Green Deal
Water Framework Directive
Waste Framework Directive
Renewable Energy Directive
Emissions Trading System
Environmental Protection Law
Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan
Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan
Energy Conservation Law
Wildlife Protection Law
Forest Code
National Policy on Climate Change
Amazon Fund Law
National Policy on Solid Waste
Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act
Renewable Energy Target Scheme
Carbon Pricing Mechanism
Clean Energy Act
Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Species at Risk Act
Impact Assessment Act
Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
Federal Law on Environmental Protection
Forest Code
Water Code
Law on Waste Production and Consumption
Basic Environment Law
Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Law for the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles
Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources
South Korea:
Framework Act on Environmental Policy
Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth
Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
Act on the Management of Chemical Substances and Biocides
General Law of Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental
General Law for the Prevention and Integral
Management of Waste
National Strategy on Climate Change
Sustainable Energy Law
South Africa:
National Environmental Management Act
National Water Act
National Environmental Management: Waste Act
National Climate Change Response Policy
United Kingdom:
Climate Change Act
Environmental Protection Act
Water Resources Act
Wildlife and Countryside Act
Environmental Charter
Energy Transition for Green Growth Law
Biodiversity Law
Waste Act
Renewable Energy Sources Act
Federal Emission Control Act
Federal Nature Conservation Act
Recycling Management Act
National Strategy for Sustainable Development
Legislative Decree on Waste Management
Legislative Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment
Legislative Decree on Energy Efficiency
Law on Environmental Impact Assessment
Climate Change and Energy Transition Law
Waste Law
Water Law
Environmental Management Act
Waste Management Act
Soil Protection Act
Air Quality Cooperation Program Act
Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Species at Risk Act
Impact Assessment Act
Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
National Law on Environmental Protection
Law on Hazardous Waste Management
National Forest Law
General Law on the Environment
Law on the Promotion of Recycling
Forestry Law
General Law of the Environment
Forest and Wildlife Law
Law on Solid Waste Management
Law on Environmental Management
Law on Integrated Waste Management
National System of Protected Areas Law
Organic Law on the Environment
Law on Integrated Management of Solid Waste
Organic Environmental Code
Law on Waste Management
Law on the Environment
Law on Integral Waste Management
Environmental Framework Law
Law on Protected Areas
Law on Sustainable Forestry Development
Law on the Environment
Law on the Promotion of Renewable Energy
Environmental Law
Renewable Energy Law
Law on the Conservation of Natural Resources and
the Environment
National Environmental Policy
Environment Conservation Act
National Environmental
Pakistan Environmental Protection Act
National Climate Change Policy

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Environmental laws

1. GCC Framework for Sustainable Development:
A comprehensive framework that outlines strategies and objectives for achieving sustainable development across member states.

2. GCC Unified Water Strategy:
An agreement to promote efficient water management, conservation, and sustainable use of water resources.

3. GCC Unified Environmental Regulations:
A set of environmental regulations that address various aspects, including air quality, water pollution, waste management, and hazardous substances.

4. GCC Unified Regulation for the Control of Marine Pollution:
A legal framework to prevent and control marine pollution in the Gulf waters, emphasizing oil and chemical pollution prevention.

5. GCC Unified Regulation for the Control of Marine Dumping:
An agreement to regulate the dumping of waste and pollutants in the marine environment.

6. GCC Unified Regulation for the Protection of the Marine Environment:
A comprehensive regulation to safeguard marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources.

7. GCC Unified Regulation for Conservation of Biodiversity:
An agreement to protect and conserve biodiversity and natural habitats in the Gulf region.

8. GCC Framework for Air Quality Management:
A collaborative effort to monitor and control air pollution, establish air quality standards, and promote cleaner air.

9. GCC Unified Regulation for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):
Guidelines for assessing potential environmental impacts of development projects and ensuring sustainable practices.

10. GCC Unified Regulation for Hazardous Substances and Chemicals Management:
Regulations governing the handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous substances.

11. GCC Unified Regulation for the Management of Medical and Healthcare Waste:
Guidelines for proper disposal and management of medical waste to prevent pollution and health risks.

12. GCC Unified Regulation for the Control of Noise Pollution:
Measures to control noise pollution in urban and industrial areas.

13. GCC Unified Regulation for the Control of Ozone-Depleting Substances:
Efforts to phase out the use of ozonedepleting substances and promote environmentally friendly alternatives.

14. GCC Unified Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labeling:
Standards for energy-efficient products and labeling to encourage sustainable consumption.

15. GCC Agreement on Combating Marine Pollution:
Collaborative measures to prevent and respond to marine pollution incidents.

16. GCC Agreement on Conservation of Migratory Birds:
A commitment to conserve and protect migratory bird species and their habitats.

17. GCC Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development:
A comprehensive strategy that includes environmental sustainability as a core component.

18. GCC Renewable Energy Strategy:
A plan to develop renewable energy sources and increase their share in the energy mix.


1. Environmental Protection Law (Royal Decree No. M/34)
2. Wildlife Protection Law (Royal Decree No. M/10)
3. National Environmental Strategy and Action Plans
4. General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection (GAMEP)
5. Saudi Arabia Environmental Vision 2030
6. Sustainable Development and Green Building Regulations
7. Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
8. Protection of the Marine Environment Regulation
9. Regulations on Hazardous Materials Management


1. Environmental Protection Law No. 42 of 2014
2. Law No. 21 of 1995 (Public Hygiene Law)
3. Law No. 17 of 2005 (Protection of Biological Diversity and Natural Habitats Law)
4. Law No. 4 of 1965 (Protection of Marine Wealth Law)
5. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
6. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)
7. Kuwait's Environmental Vision 2035
8. Municipal Regulations


1. Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Environment
2. Qatar Environmental National Vision 2030
3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations
4. Water Resources Management and Protection Regulation
5. Air Quality Management Regulations
6. Waste Management Regulations
7. Environmental Protection Code for Coastal Areas and Islands
8. Protection of Wild Plants and Animals Law
9. Regulation of Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides
10. Environmental Awareness and Education Programs


1. Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 (Environmental Protection and Development Law)
2. Federal Law No. 2 of 2007 (Wildlife Protection Law)
3. Federal Law No. 23 of 1999 (Exploitation, Protection, and Development of Living Aquatic Resources Law)
4. Federal Law No. 18 of 1993 (Control of Marine Pollution Law)
5. Federal Law No. 30 of 2006 (Regulation and Control of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
6. Cabinet Resolution No. 22 of 2016 (Waste Management Regulations)
7. Cabinet Resolution No. 17 of 2019 (Executive Regulation of Federal Law No. 24 of 1999)
8. Cabinet Decision No. 17 of 2017 (Regulating the Trade and Possession of Wild and Exotic Animals and their Products)
9. Cabinet Resolution No. 13 of 2009 (Use of Environmentally Friendly Plastic Bags)
10. Emirate-Level Environmental Laws


1. Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Law (Royal Decree No. 114/2001)
2. Marine Pollution Control Law (Royal Decree No. 34/74)
3. Nature Reserve and Wildlife Protection Law (Royal Decree No. 6/78)
4. Water Resources Protection and Management Law (Royal Decree No. 60/91)
5. Waste Management and Pollution Control Regulations
6. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations
7. Protected Areas and Conservation Law
8. Regulations for Conservation of Coastal and Marine Environments
9. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiatives